Standard 18 / during

I have everything I need when I arrive to keep me safe and healthy and so do the people looking after me.

Sitting down with staff to speak about my likes and dislikes which would help me to feel like the staff looking after me care. My medication is important for me to stay healthy, so it would make me feel better if the staff went over it with me so I know that they understand.

Why this standard matters to young people, in their words

Additional information about this standard

Illustrative links to the Health and Social Care Standards

The Pathway and Standards complement, align with, provide further context, and give unique voice to the Health and Social Care Standards. Both sets of standards apply for all children in, or on the edges of, secure care, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the Health and Social Care Standards.
  • 1.14 My future care and support needs are anticipated as part of my assessment.
  • 3.4 I am confident that the right people are fully informed about my past, including my health and care experience, and any impact this has on me.
  • 3.14 I have confidence in people because they are trained, competent and skilled, are able to reflect on their practice and follow their professional and organisational codes.
  • 3.15 My needs are met by the right number of people.
  • 3.16 People have time to support and care for me and to speak with me.
  • 3.18 I am supported and cared for sensitively by people who anticipate issues and are aware of and plan for any known vulnerability or frailty.
  • 3.20 I am protected from harm, neglect, abuse, bullying and exploitation by people who have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.
  • 3.21 I am protected from harm because people are alert and respond to signs of significant deterioration in my health and wellbeing, that I may be unhappy or may be at risk of harm.
  • 3.22 I am listened to and taken seriously if I have a concern about the protection and safety of myself or others, with appropriate assessments and referrals made.
  • 3.24 If I might harm myself or others, I know that people have a duty to protect me and others, which may involve contacting relevant agencies.
  • 4.14 My care and support is provided in a planned and safe way, including if there is an emergency or unexpected event.
  • 4.27 I experience high quality care and support because people have the necessary information and resources.
  • 5.17 My environment is secure and safe.

Illustrative links to How Good is Our School? quality indicators

The Pathway and Standards complement, the How Good is Our School? quality indicators, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the quality indicators.
  • 2.4 Personalised support
  • 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion