This section relates to children who are preparing to leave, or who have recently left, secure care.
Explore each Standard in more details by selecting an image
I am fully involved and influence all decisions and plans about my future, in a way that works for me, from an early stage.
I understand my rights when planning for my future and I have access to the legal advice, representation and high quality independent advocacy I need.
My plans for moving on meet all my needs. They involve everyone who has responsibility to care for and support me.
I am fully prepared for making the transition from the service and this is taken at a pace which means I am completely ready.
I am confident that people I know well and have trust in will continue to be involved in supporting me after I leave the service.
I have as much choice as possible about the place I am moving to and am able to visit. I get to know the people there as they have been involved in planning with me for the move.
I have all the care and support I need to build the future I want, from everyone who has a role or responsibility, for as long as I need it.
Further information about this stage
Legislation, policy and guidance
Links to relevant legislation, policy and guidance for this stage of a child’s journey:
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Children (Scotland) Act 1995
- Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995
- Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003
- Education Support for Learning (Scotland) Act 2004 (as amended 2009)
- Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011
- Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
- Public Bodies (Joint working) (Scotland) Act 2014
- Aftercare (Eligible Needs) (Scotland) Order 2015
- Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016
- Curriculum for Excellence
- GIRFEC (Getting It Right for Every Child)
- Whole System Approach
- The Role of Chief Social Work Officer Guidance Issued by Scottish Ministers pursuant to Section 5(1) of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968
- Scotland’s Children The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 Regulations and Guidance Volume 2 Children Looked After by Local Authorities
- The Support and Assistance of Young People Leaving Care (Scotland) Regulations 2003
- Supporting Children’s Learning: Statutory Guidance on the Education (Additional Support for Learning) Scotland Act 2004 (as amended)
- The Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009
- Guidance on the Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 and the Adoption and Children (Scotland) Act 2007
- The Secure Accommodation (Scotland) Regulations 2013
- The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Implementation of Secure Accommodation Authorisation) (Scotland) Regulations 2013
- Good Practice Guidance The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Implementation of Secure Accommodation Authorisation) (Scotland) Regulations 2013
- Statutory guidance on Part 9 (Corporate Parenting) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
- The Support and Assistance of Young People Leaving Care (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2015
- Statutory Guidance on Part 10 (Aftercare) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
- Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027
- Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 Statutory Guidance on Part 3: Children’s Services Planning – Second Edition 2020
- Care Inspectorate A quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection
- Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice A Guide to Youth Justice in Scotland: policy, practice and legislation
- Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice Routes to secure care
- Children’s Hearings System National Standards for the Children’s Panel
- Children’s Hearings System Practice and Procedure Manual
- Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland Continuing Care and Aftercare booklet
- Guidance on Health Assessments for Looked After Children in Scotland
- Healthcare Standards for Children and Young People in Secure Settings (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health)
- Movement restriction conditions in the children’s hearing system: guidance
- NHS Education for Scotland National trauma training framework
- NHS Education Scotland Transforming Psychological Trauma: A Skills and Knowledge Framework for The Scottish Workforce
- Quality Network for Community CAMHS/Royal College of Psychiatrists Sample Service Standards Extracted from the 5th Edition Standards
- Scottish Care Leavers Covenant
- Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) Secure Accommodation
- SCRA Secure Accommodation Information for young people
- Scottish Government Custody of convicted children and young people: practice guidance
- Scottish Government Trauma-informed practice: A Toolkit for Scotland
- Scottish Government Framework for Risk Assessment Management and Evaluation (FRAME) for Local Authorities and partners For Children and Young People under 18 Young People Who Offend (Managing High Risk and Transitions)
- Scottish Government National Outcomes and Standards for Social Work Services in the Criminal Justice System Criminal Justice Social Work Reports and Court-based Services Practice Guidance
- Scottish Government Preventing offending: getting it right for children and young people
- Scottish Government Rights Information for young people who are looked after in secure care (Scotland)
- Scottish Social Services Council Code of Conduct
- Supporting Young People Leaving Care in Scotland: Regulations and Guidance on Services for Young People Ceasing to be Looked After by Local Authorities
- Youth and Criminal Justice in Scotland: The young person’s journey
- Journey through Justice