Standard 24 / during

I know that people care about me and meeting my needs because the way they relate to me shows this.

When I’m upset, staff come in and speak to me, I know that I have people who understand me and that know what to do/say when I’m feeling low.

Why this standard matters to young people, in their words

Additional information about this standard

Illustrative links to the Health and Social Care Standards

The Pathway and Standards complement, align with, provide further context, and give unique voice to the Health and Social Care Standards. Both sets of standards apply for all children in, or on the edges of, secure care, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the Health and Social Care Standards.
  • 1.6 I get the most out of life because the people and organisation who support and care for me have an enabling attitude and believe in my potential.
  • 1.8 If I experience care and support in a group, the overall size and composition of that group is right for me.
  • 3.1 I experience people speaking and listening to me in a way that is courteous and respectful, with my care and support being the main focus of people’s attention.
  • 3.3 I have agreed clear expectations with people about how we behave towards each other, and these are respected.
  • 3.5 As a child or young person, I am helped to develop a positive view of myself and to form and sustain trusting and secure relationships.
  • 3.6 I feel at ease because I am greeted warmly by people and they introduce themselves.
  • 3.8 I can build a trusting relationship with the person supporting and caring for me in a way that we both feel comfortable with.
  • 3.9 I experience warmth, kindness and compassion in how I am supported and cared for, including physical comfort when appropriate for me and the person supporting and caring for me.
  • 3.10 As a child or young person I feel valued, loved and secure.
  • 3.13 I am treated as an individual by people who respect my needs, choices and wishes, and anyone making a decision about my future care and support knows me.
  • 3.14 I have confidence in people because they are trained, competent and skilled, are able to reflect on their practice and follow their professional and organisational codes. 3.15 My needs are met by the right number of people.
  • 3.16 People have time to support and care for me and to speak with me.
  • 3.17 I am confident that people respond promptly, including when I ask for help.
  • 3.18 I am supported and cared for sensitively by people who anticipate issues and are aware of and plan for any known vulnerability or frailty.
  • 4.3 I experience care and support where all people are respected and valued.
  • 4.16 I am supported and cared for by people I know so that I experience consistency and continuity.
  • 5.6 If I experience care and support in a group, I experience a homely environment and can use a comfortable area with soft furnishings to relax.

Illustrative links to How Good is Our School? quality indicators

The Pathway and Standards complement, the How Good is Our School? quality indicators, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the quality indicators.
  • 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion