Standard 29 / during

My physical, mental, emotional and wellbeing needs are understood by the people looking after me. I am involved in all decisions and plans to make sure I have the care and support I need, when I need it.

I was kept safe for the first time in my life. I was really safe. No-one hurt me and I felt good.

Why this standard matters to young people, in their words

Additional information about this standard

Illustrative links to the Health and Social Care Standards

The Pathway and Standards complement, align with, provide further context, and give unique voice to the Health and Social Care Standards. Both sets of standards apply for all children in, or on the edges of, secure care, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the Health and Social Care Standards.
  • 1.9 I am recognised as an expert in my own experiences, needs and wishes.
  • 1.12 I am fully involved in assessing my emotional, psychological, social and physical needs at an early stage, regularly and when my needs change.
  • 1.13 I am assessed by a qualified person, who involves other people and professionals as required
  • 1.15 My personal plan (sometimes referred to as a care plan) is right for me because it sets out how my needs will be met, as well as my wishes and choices.
  • 1.19 My care and support meets my needs and is right for me.
  • 1.20 I am in the right place to experience the care and support I need and want.
  • 1.23 My needs, as agreed in my personal plan, are fully met, and my wishes and choices are respected.
  • 1.24 Any treatment or intervention that I experience is safe and effective.
  • 1.28 I am supported to make informed lifestyle choices affecting my health and wellbeing, and I am helped to use relevant screening and healthcare services.
  • 1.29 I am supported to be emotionally resilient, have a strong sense of my own identity and wellbeing, and address any experiences of trauma or neglect.
  • 2.6 I am as involved as I can be in agreeing and reviewing any restrictions to my independence, control and choice.
  • 2.8 I am supported to communicate in a way that is right for me, at my own pace, by people who are sensitive to me and my needs.
  • 2.10 I can access translation services and communication tools where necessary and I am supported to use these.
  • 2.13 If a decision is taken against my wishes, I am supported to understand why.
  • 2.17 I am fully involved in developing and reviewing my personal plan, which is always available to me.
  • 2.22 I can maintain and develop my interests, activities and what matters to me in the way that I like.
  • 2.24 I make informed choices and decisions about the risks I take in my daily life and am encouraged to take positive risks which enhance the quality of my life.
  • 2.25 I am helped to understand the impact and consequences of risky and unsafe behaviour and decisions.
  • 2.26 I know how different organisations can support my health and wellbeing and I am helped to contact them if I wish.
  • 3.4 I am confident that the right people are fully informed about my past, including my health and care experience, and any impact this has on me.
  • 3.5 As a child or young person, I am helped to develop a positive view of myself and to form and sustain trusting and secure relationships.
  • 3.8 I can build a trusting relationship with the person supporting and caring for me in a way that we both feel comfortable with.
  • 3.9 I experience warmth, kindness and compassion in how I am supported and cared for, including physical comfort when appropriate for me and the person supporting and caring for me.
  • 3.13 I am treated as an individual by people who respect my needs, choices and wishes, and anyone making a decision about my future care and support knows me.
  • 3.18 I am supported and cared for sensitively by people who anticipate issues and are aware of and plan for any known vulnerability or frailty.
  • 4.17 If I am supported and cared for by a team or more than one organisation, this is well coordinated so that I experience consistency and continuity.
  • 4.18 I benefit from different organisations working together and sharing information about me promptly where appropriate, and I understand how my privacy and confidentiality are respected.

Illustrative links to How Good is Our School? quality indicators

The Pathway and Standards complement, the How Good is Our School? quality indicators, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the quality indicators.
  • 2.4 Personalised support
  • 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion