Standard 30 / during

I am well supported to manage my feelings and so I am only ever restrained when this is absolutely necessary to prevent harm. I am treated with respect, dignity and compassion and I am held in the least restrictive way for the shortest time possible. I am well supported afterwards.

Restraint should be the last resort. There should be less restraints, it’s horrible to watch and hear it brings back memories.

Why this standard matters to young people, in their words

Additional information about this standard

Illustrative links to the Health and Social Care Standards

The Pathway and Standards complement, align with, provide further context, and give unique voice to the Health and Social Care Standards. Both sets of standards apply for all children in, or on the edges of, secure care, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the Health and Social Care Standards.
  • 1.3 If my independence, control and choice are restricted, this complies with relevant legislation and any restrictions are justified, kept to a minimum and carried out sensitively.
  • 1.24 Any treatment or intervention that I experience is safe and effective.
  • 1.29 I am supported to be emotionally resilient, have a strong sense of my own identity and wellbeing, and address any experiences of trauma or neglect.
  • 2.3 I am supported to understand and uphold my rights.
  • 2.6 I am as involved as I can be in agreeing and reviewing any restrictions to my independence, control and choice.
  • 2.15 I am enabled to resolve conflict, agree rules and build positive relationships with other people as much as I can.
  • 2.25 I am helped to understand the impact and consequences of risky and unsafe behaviour and decisions.
  • 3.3 I have agreed clear expectations with people about how we behave towards each other, and these are respected.
  • 3.4 I am confident that the right people are fully informed about my past, including my health and care experience, and any impact this has on me.
  • 3.9 I experience warmth, kindness and compassion in how I am supported and cared for, including physical comfort when appropriate for me and the person supporting and caring for me.
  • 3.14 I have confidence in people because they are trained, competent and skilled, are able to reflect on their practice and follow their professional and organisational codes.
  • 3.18 I am supported and cared for sensitively by people who anticipate issues and are aware of and plan for any known vulnerability or frailty.
  • 3.20 I am protected from harm, neglect, abuse, bullying and exploitation by people who have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.
  • 3.21 I am protected from harm because people are alert and respond to signs of significant deterioration in my health and wellbeing, that I may be unhappy or may be at risk of harm.
  • 4.1 My human rights are central to the organisations that support and care for me.
  • 4.11 I experience high quality care and support based on relevant evidence, guidance and best practice.
  • 4.25 I am confident that people are encouraged to be innovative in the way they support and care for me.
  • 5.17 My environment is secure and safe.

Illustrative links to How Good is Our School? quality indicators

The Pathway and Standards complement, the How Good is Our School? quality indicators, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the quality indicators.
  • 2.1 Safeguarding and child protection
  • 2.4 Personalised support
  • 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion