Standard 36 / during

I am supported to contribute to and comment on all reports that are written about me in a way that works for me. The person writing the report consults with me and I have my say about all the recommendations and decisions that affect me.

I like that I can voice my opinions in whatever way I want at my meetings.

Why this standard matters to young people, in their words

Additional information about this standard

Illustrative links to the Health and Social Care Standards

The Pathway and Standards complement, align with, provide further context, and give unique voice to the Health and Social Care Standards. Both sets of standards apply for all children in, or on the edges of, secure care, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the Health and Social Care Standards.
  • 1.9 I am recognised as an expert in my own experiences, needs and wishes.
  • 1.12 I am fully involved in assessing my emotional, psychological, social and physical needs at an early stage, regularly and when my needs change.
  • 2.9 I receive and understand information and advice in a format or language that is right for me.
  • 2.17 I am fully involved in developing and reviewing my personal plan, which is always available to me.
  • 3.12 I can understand the people who support and care for me when they communicate with me.

Illustrative links to How Good is Our School? quality indicators

The Pathway and Standards complement, the How Good is Our School? quality indicators, with this section providing illustrative links between this standard and the quality indicators.
  • 1.2 Leadership of learning
  • 2.1 Safeguarding and child protection
  • 2.6 Transitions
  • 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion